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File Format

Instruction Files are YAML files consisting of a list of Transformations. To learn more about the YAML file format, visit


Each Transformation is a YAML dictionary with a type key corresponding to one of the options below.


The first entry. Contains information about the Instruction File.

  • dir string - Base directory to use for commands and file operations. All relatives paths are processed relative to this path.


Run a command.

  • cmd string - The command to run.
  • cwd (optional) string - The current working directory to run the command in. Defaults to the meta transformation's dir.
  • env (optional) string - Mapping of environment variables to set.


Create a file with content.

  • file string - The file to create.
  • text string - Text to create the file with.


Find and replace text in a file.

  • file string - The file to replace text in.
  • find string - The text to find. Interpreted as normal text unless regex is true.
  • replace string - The text to replace. If regex is true, substitutions (eg. $1, $2, etc.) are supported.
  • regex (optional) boolean - Interpret find as a regular expression. Default is false.


Find and replace text in a file.

  • file string - The file to prepend text to.
  • text string - Text to prepend the file with.


Append text to the end of a file.

  • file string - The file to append to text.
  • text string - Text to append the file with.


Rename a file.

  • from string - The old file path.
  • to string - The new file path.


Copy a file.

  • from string - The path of the original file.
  • to string - The path of the copy to create.


Delete a file or directory.

  • file string - The file or directory to delete.
  • recursive (optional) boolean - Delete items recursively if file is a directory. Default is false.


Deploy a file to a production environment via secure copy.

  • from string - The local directory/file to copy from.
  • to string - The production directory/file to copy to as an scp path.
  • clear (optional) boolean - Remove to before replacing it with from. Useful for directories. Files are transferred to the remote server before to is removed. Default is false.